Quantum Mechanics – A Mathematical Introduction
Format: PDF eTextbooks
ISBN-13: 978-1009100502
ISBN-10: 1009100505
Delivery: Instant Download
Authors: Andrew J. Larkoski
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
This original and innovative textbook takes the unique perspective of introducing and solving problems in quantum mechanics using linear algebra methods, to equip readers with a deeper and more practical understanding of this fundamental pillar of contemporary physics. Extensive motivation for the properties of quantum mechanics, Hilbert space, and the Schrödinger equation is provided through analysis of the derivative, while standard topics like the harmonic oscillator, rotations, and the hydrogen atom are covered from within the context of operator methods. Advanced topics forming the basis of modern physics research are also included, such as the density matrix, entropy, and measures of entanglement. Written for an undergraduate audience, this book offers a unique and mathematically self-contained treatment of this hugely important topic. Students are guided gently through the text by the author’s engaging writing style, with an extensive glossary provided for reference and numerous homework problems to expand and develop key concepts.
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